First Coast Affiliate of ANPD

Call for 2024 Board member nominations

Posted over 1 year ago by Amy Shaheen

Are you interested in joining the FC-ANPD Board? Here is a recap of the Board's responsibilities:


1.      Presides over meetings.

2.      Coordinates program planning with members and the President-Elect.

3.      Conducts FC-ANPD  business on behalf of the organization.

4.      Submits an annual affiliate report to national every January.


1.      Coordinates program planning with members & the Executive Board.

2.      Acts in the absence of the President.

3.      Succeeds President.


1.      Creates meeting agendas.

2.      Records and distributes minutes.

3.      Electronically communicates to the membership according to pre-established schedules.

4.      Coordinates internal & external financial review processes.


1.      Receives, deposits, & maintains records of funds received by the organization

2.      Provides membership with a summary of receipts and disbursements at each meeting.

3.      Pays all bills that the affiliate may incur.

4.      Submits an annual affiliate report to the national organization every January.

Membership Chair

1.      Coordinates membership & recruitment activities.

2.      Maintains a roster of current members.

3.      Coordinates the closed ballot voting process.

Web Administrator

1.      Designs website & social media accounts.

2.      Maintains websites & social media accounts.

3.      Examines and analyzes web traffic & social media sites.